Sharon and I recently spent a evening camping at 6,300 feet in a canyon called Wild Rose that overlooks Lucerne Valley and Apple Valley, CA. There's a spring there that puts out the best water around.
I cooked a beef stew in one of my Dutch ovens over wood coals. Sharon was starving and ate stew, corn-on-cobb roasted in the husk and a big pepper that mostly roasted on the coals. It was a little gritty.
Slept out under the starts with no ambient light to spoil the view. Even saw a couple satellites whiz by.
Next morning we had eggs and potatos with onions and a ripe mango for desert.
Lots of humming birds and Steller's Jays but no mountain lions or bears. I was very bummed about this.
Had to 4-wheel to get there and Sharon was not happy about it.