Monday, October 5, 2009

Winter is Coming!

It was cold this morning. The heat was off in the house and all three dogs slept with me. Sharon is in San Diego this week attending a symposium. The dogs were cold! There curled up next to me under my wool army blanket and were warm. Nobody wanted to get out of bed to get ready for work so I was an hour late. Temperature ended up being only 39 F but it still felt cold. I hope it doesn't get to be like last year. The pictures above show what I mean. They were taken in the pit of the Cushenberry quarry last December.


  1. Where is the Cushenberry quarry, Antarctica?? It definitely hasn't been that cold down here but it is not as hot as last week. Bender and Needler like to cuddle but it is too early for Bender to want to get under the covers. Needler just tries to sleep on my head. By the way, how can you sleep under a wool blanket?!

  2. What do you mean? There's nothing better than a wool blanket! Soft and warm. I have the non-itch model.
