Monday, September 27, 2010

Camping in Holcomb Valley

This weekend Sharon, Luci and I camped for the first time in Holcomb Valley on the top of the San Bernardino mountains. Elevation 7,359 feet. At least according to my GPS unit. Plus or minus 30 feet...oops, the engineer tried to slip out. Sorry. The temperature was 70 degrees during the day and 42 degrees at night. It was great sleep'in weather! Luci and Sharon got cold.

I actually scoped this trip out and planned a little. Not characteristic of a Perceiver like myself. The website said, "No campfires". The signs all the way the up the mountain said, "No campfires". When we got to the campground they were selling five pieces of wood for $7...
But I got the last laugh! Across the dirt road in front of the campground, out in the forest, a huge Ponderosa pine tree had fallen. Sharon and I would hike over and she would load me up with all the wood I could carry and we'd hike back. We did this four times and ended up with a big pile of seasoned prime pine.

We made a fire when it got dark and boiled water for our freeze-dried entrees. Sharon had chicken with rice and veggies and I had wild rice and veggie pilaf. They are really good and we've eaten them many times. You can get them at any good outdoor outfitter for about $7. Sharon can only eat half of one. I, of course, can eat all of mine and her other half...

I made a nice fire in the morning and we cooked our bacon, eggs, and toast over it and boiled water for our coffee. Luci got the lion's share of the bacon and eggs. She even ate the toast. She was a cold little girl and hadn't slept well - Luci, not Sharon. Sharon was a cold big girl, hadn't slept well and spent the morning letting me know about it! Sharon says she's tired of bacon and eggs...


  1. Well, you know, those of us who don't have as much "padding" on our bodies can't regulate our own body heat enough to be warm in 42 degree weather. I'm just sayin'...
    By the way, I have THREE new posts on my blog in case you were wondering!
    I'm enjoying your camping stories.

  2. I thought you said no one had commented. I've been wanting to go camping....not necessarily in these conditions though!
